Formula for calculating resistance power
To calculate the power of a resistor, you can use any one of the following three formulas, depending on the circuit parameters you know:
P = V × I
Among them, P represents power (unit: watt, W), V represents voltage (unit: volt, V), and I represents current (unit: ampere, A).
P = I² × R
Among them, P represents power (unit: watt, W), I represents current (unit: ampere, A), and R represents resistance (unit: ohm, Ω).
P = V² / R
Among them, P represents power (unit: watt, W), V represents voltage (unit: volt, V), and R represents resistance (unit: ohm, Ω).
Example calculation:
Assuming a resistor has a voltage of 12V and a current of 2A, we can use the formula P=V × I to calculate power:
Alternatively, if the known resistance value is 10 Ω and the current is 2A, the formula P=I ² × R can be used:
Ensure that all physical quantities have consistent units during calculations to obtain accurate results.