What is the power supply operating range of ME1117-5.0
The power supply operating range of ME1117-5.0 mainly involves the range of its input voltage. According to publicly available information, the input voltage range of ME1117-5.0 is typically between 4.8V and 20V, but some sources suggest that its input voltage range may be limited to 4.8V to 15V. This difference may be due to differences in specific specifications among different manufacturers or models.
To ensure stable operation and optimal performance of ME1117-5.0, users should refer to specific product data manuals or manufacturer provided specifications to determine its accurate input voltage range. In addition, in practical applications, it is necessary to consider the impact of factors such as load current, ambient temperature, and heat dissipation conditions on the performance of ME1117-5.0.
In summary, the power supply operating range (i.e. input voltage range) of ME1117-5.0 is typically between 4.8V and 20V (or possibly as low as 15V), but specific values need to be referred to in specific product data manuals or manufacturer's guidelines. When selecting and using, please ensure that the input voltage does not exceed the maximum rated voltage of ME1117-5.0, and leave a certain safety margin to ensure the stability and reliability of the circuit.